Special Offer

Beach Picnic or Brunch

Minimum stay
Three days

Bed and Breakfasts

Picnic option

Supplement of €7.00 per adult, per day
A packed picnic (with filled sandwiches and fresh fruit) to take to the beach, even every day, if you want (just order it in advance the previous evening or early in the morning)!

Brunch option

Supplement of €7.00 per adult, per day
At lunch you can choose one of 3 first courses plus micro-filtered water and a buffet of salads and side dishes.

Information request


Compulsory deposit for stays in the months of July and August with the possibility of canceling (it will be returned net of bank charges) or modifying the period of stay with notice of at least 30 days before arrival (for notices of at least 14 days, only the 50 % of the deposit)


Viale Dante 46,
47841 Cattolica (RN)